
Design Peter Maly

Dimensioni: L 62 cm / H 83 cm / P 58 cm

Come al solito, lo stile del design di Peter Maly trasmette eleganza.

Design Peter maly

Una morbida esperienza di seduta

Funzionale e confortevole sono le due caratteristiche che contraddistinguono ‘Enjoy’.

La forma della scocca della seduta, morbidamente imbottita, è enfatizzata dalle cuciture.

La scocca è sorretta da un leggero basamento, realizzato in tubolare d’acciaio sapientemente ripiegato


Peter Maly

Graduated from the Fachhochschule of Detmold (Germany) in interior architecture. In the 1960s he was in charge of the “interior architecture” area at the “Schoenen Wohnen” magazine. Peter Maly is one of the most important European designers. In 1970 he founded his own design studio in Hamburg. His design projects have been carried out by the most important European furniture manufacturers. He loves linear and geometric shapes, which characterize his pure, functional and always updated style. He has obtained prestigious awards all over the world: in 1998 the second edition of the book “Designermonographie 5 – Peter Maly” was printed. Exhibitions: Hamburg, 2001, “Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe”, “Peter Maly: works from 1967 to 2001” – Berlin, 2002, “Kunstgewerbemuseum”, “Peter Maly: a classic designer among moderns”.


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